Project Title

Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin

Project Synopsis

Craft a powerful brand identity for a new, realm-shattering real-time strategy set in the iconic Warhammer universe, teeming with ecclectic characters against brutal backdrops.

Project Client

Frontier Developments, Games Workshop

Project Contribution

Creative Direction, Brand Identity, Brand Guidelines, Logo Direction, Event Space Graphics, Social Graphics, Store Assets, Print Design, Merchandise

We forged our handcrafted logotype in aged, battle-worn sigmarite, a gold-like arcane metal used in the armour of the Stormcast Eternals, the faction whom our narrative centres around.

The visual concept for the brand was to tell the story from the perspective of the Stormcast Eternals. To do this, I devised three guiding pillars to ensure all assets felt Crafted, Celestial with a touch of Chaos to convey the anarchic state of the Realms.



F1 Manager 2022


The Great War: Western Front